Thursday, 29 October 2009

No thoughts

Evidently I have no thoughts or none that wouldn't fit into a status at least.

Monday, 26 October 2009

Because 140 characters is just not enough


This is my 3rd or 4th attempt at a blog, the last few have been about career interests and have either gotten me into trouble or I've just lost interest in them. This latest attempt to reboot my ailing blog will be more introspective and hopefully should last a lot longer than any other previous attempt as it's about something that appeals to and actually interests me, me!

So I could put down all my thoughts in a witty little status update on Facebook or Twitter but as I'm not really a fan of either and you're limited on just what you can write, the logical solution was to start a new blog.

So here it is, my thoughts as I have them (or at least when I can get to a computer), unrestricted from character length and ever present. Unlike the feeds on social networking sites my posts won't get lost in a sea of other status updates or disappear from the page after a day or so. Not that anyone would care but I'm not trying to please anyone else, this is solely an online ego trip, a personal insight into a nobody who thinks he's a somebody or quite simply an open diary. And because of the nature of diary entries I feel it would be too much info to cram into a single status update because as the title suggests 140 characters is just not enough.