Monday, 10 June 2013

Doctor Who Project - 'Voyage of the Damned' aka the Kylie Christmas Special

Martha's gone, The Master's been defeated and The Doctor's left holding a life ring from the Titanic screaming "What? What? What?". The next thing we know David Tennant is chatting away to Kylie Minogue who's dressed in a maid's outfit (think a lot of men's Christmas wishes came true right there).

To be honest that was probably the highlight of this episode, that and Bernard Cribbins cameo. Richard Bucket from Keeping up Appearances was annoying with his off the mark Earth facts. The rest of the supporting cast were just as bad. There was the 'big' couple who were there just to make fat jokes, the red conker and the smarmy rich guy who ended up making money out of the whole catastrophe. Sums it all up. Even the baddie was crap. Some bald eye-patched guy's head on a steam punk version of Davros' life support system. His big plan was to crash the Titanic and claim the insurance (or something like that, I stopped paying attention by this point to be honest) and live in luxury for the rest of his life. Yeah it was that bad!

Oh well series 4 to come.

Oh one last thing, The Doctor trying to save Kylie after she fell to her death felt a bit like how he rescues River Song in 'The Silence in the Library' (the 1st time The Doctor meets River and the last time she 'meets' him, whilst alive anyway!). Oh wait that hasn't happened yet has it? Wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey and maybe a little foreshadowing for next series (4 aka the Donna series that is).

Onwards and upwards. Alons-y!

Had to be done!

Sunday, 2 June 2013

Doctor Who Project - Series 3 finale - Blink, Utopia, The Sound of Drums, Last of the Time Lords

Okay, it's been a while since I last watched a Tennant episode. So much for my project! With an afternoon and no plans I decided to put the Series 3 Volume 3 DVD and finally re-watch 'Blink'. This was after I'd re-watched 'Genesis of the Daleks' and before I knew it it had turned into a marathon ending with the 2007 Christmas special 'Voyage of the Damned' aka the Titanic/Kylie Christmas special.

So without further delay here's my thoughts on the last few episodes of series 3:


Classic episode and for good reason too. This is one of the few if only times a new Who monster warrants a return. It's hard to believe that The Doctor is hardly in this story. 'Blink' is one of those stories that have now been affectionately known as a 'Doctor light episode'. On top of that you've got Carey Mulligan, yes that Carey Mulligan as well as some classic lines like "The angels have the phone box. I've got that on a tshirt." and of course "wibbly wobbly, timey wimey". 'Blink' is clever, well written, well acted  and well err just brilliant all round. It's definitely one of the best episode since the show's return and was probably the main reason why Moffat got the big job. Go and watch it if you haven't seen it yet.


Captain Jack's back. Meh. Never really cared for Captain Jack anyway but RTD couldn't just leave him alone. Also do face tattoos, dodgy teeth and body piercing now make you non human? Then there's Chan - Can't say anything without it being bracketed by the beginning and end of her name which becomes really annoying after the 2nd or 3rd time you hear it - tho. What saves this episode though is the excellent Derek Jacobi as Professor Yana (You Are Not Alone) and Martha's realisation that he has a fog watch just like The Doctor's ie the Chameleon Arch pocket watch. After hearing a few recognisible terms Professor Yana becomes so curious that he opens the watch and lets Hell loose. Just like opening the fog watch in 'The Family of Blood' the professor is restored to his true Time Lord self only this time it's not one of the good ones, it's only The Doctor's arch nemesis (well one of them anyway) The Master. There's also the small matter of the last humans boarding a rocket to utopia. Like I said small matter but thought I'd mention it as it plays a role in the finale.

The Sound of Drums/Last of the Time Lords

Possibly one of the worst series finales since 2005. Here's why: Martha's family, references to 'The Lazarus Experiment' and 'The Christmas Invasion', the Toclafane (WTF?!), the perception filter working on everyone but The Master, The Master's bad taste in music, the Americans coming in and stealing our (Brirtish) thunder, Martha walking the Earth, the resolution (who would have thought everyone thinking the same word at the same time would have that effect), a flying aircraft carrier, the big reset at the end so that the past year didn't exist (the effect with the Earth reversing seemed a bit Superman 2) and worst of all the old (Dobby) Doctor. Awful awful episode. Think The Doctor sums it up best when he says "What? What? What?" at the end of this story (albeit because he's just been struck by what appears to be the Titanic!).