Last night went by without any incidents. I was quite withdrawn, anxious and restrained but I got through it ok. Last night was also the first time I'd seen my Mum since Monday night, I'd spoken to her Tuesday afternoon and mentioned taking the oven to pieces, cleaning it and putting it back together, I guess I expected to be complimented on my work but that didn't happen and here ends all talk on the subject otherwise I'll start coming up with more thinking errors.
Today I managed to sleep in til around 12.15pm, mainly due to having 3hrs sleep the previous night. Guinness had helped me get to sleep pretty quickly Tuesday night but something had woken me up 3hrs later and I couldn't get back to sleep so by last night I was pretty much
FUBAR'd! I tried to force myself to stay awake but it was no good, fell asleep part way through True Blood (good job I've seen them all online already!), woke up, turned the tele off and didn't re-awake til the phone rang at 12:15pm. Twelve hours sleep, bet I can't do that again tonight! Not that I can afford to anyway as I have to go to the joke shop (aka job centre) tomorrow morning. Whopee.
Since awakening this afternoon I haven't really done anything of any real significance. Picked up the post, usual threatening letters from the bank and a template from National Debtline (who have been a Godsend and if I ever make it as a musician or any other profession where I'm pretty much made for life, I'll donate heavily to them as my chosen charity!). Adapted the letter to all my creditors, didn't have enough stamps so went into town. Post Office was completely dead, at one point apart from the staff I was the only one in there, no wonder the lady behind the desk was so obliging, she was probably bored off her tits!
From there I drifted towards the library, I knew they didn't have any books in that I wanted as I'd already checked online but thought I may as well check the jobs pages in the local papers (as Thursday seems to be jobs day) so I can at least say I've made some attempt to find work today. Nothing to report as usual. From there I floated off to the O2 shop where I handed in my phone for repair as well as a £25 deposit for a courtesy phone which incidentally looks pretty much the same as the one I had around 4 years ago! O2 guy said it should be back within 7 days so at least I shouldn't have to use this brick enough to get used to it.
After leaving the bleak and ostentatiously titled Grand Arcade, I opted to try the other library. I recently discovered that amongst the libraries in the Wigan borough that I have access to is a second town centre library which is geared towards children's and teen literature. As Neil Gaiman's work is classed as just that and I'd checked on the online reference that they had his books there I felt obliged to check it out, after all what else am I gonna do and whilst in Rome (or at least the old Roman fort Coccium - and just as I tried Googling that reference my internet connection dies!). Speaking of Neil Gaiman, I felt like I was in Coraline’s surreal world, dark skies, empty post office, rain and now the sight of a BBC live broadcast van and a flu jab bus within 50m of each other. I found the children’s library easily enough and despite the help of the staff, one girl I recognised from the local music scene (and have actually seen her perform although I don’t really know her), I left empty handed.
With yet another failure I decided to call it a day. Just had my dinner, which was probably more than I anticipated at first and am now just killing time before I go to the gym. Planning to weigh myself for the first time in 3 weeks (due to illness and family interrupting my routine), another thing to disappoint me – or perhaps cheer me up? Can’t believe it’s Thursday night already! Guess that’s what happens when you’re not living for the weekend. I really should book another doctors appointment though as I agreed to return and check on my progress within a week, two weeks at the most.
Oh before I forget two quick bits of news. Firstly I have a job interview with the NHS, it’s not a teaching job, it’s not permanent and it’s not even full time but given my current circumstances I can either continue on the dole or be some use to society. I just have to figure out what to do with the extra income otherwise the debt relief order (when it finally becomes active) will be void. Second nugget of news and probably something that I’m building up too much, Helen text me last night with a pic of the new version of Asleep in the Back which she’d bought (just as well she didn’t text me today as I doubt this shitty courtesy phone could receive MMS messages!) and asked if I wanted a copy. This could be a chance to meet up but I’m guessing she’d probably just post it out to me instead. At least she contacted me in the first instance so not all that bad.
Always good to end on (some kind of) a good note I suppose, adios til tomorrow (I should really spend this spell of nothingness to learn Spanish).