I'm writing this entry on the last possible minute (11:39pm) having completely forgotten about it all day, takes me back to my uni days only I put off doing assignments because I procrastinate. I also seem to excel when I have the pressure of doing said assignments on the last minute. I doubt this will be the case in this instance!
Firstly yesterday's events. Driving home from the gym I witnessed a traffic accident and rang for an ambulance. Didn't see the incident as I was a few cars back but it turns out it was a pensioner run down whilst crossing the road on his mobility scooter. Found out this morning that the poor fellow died.
Later that day I took my 4 year old nephew to see Fantastic Mr Fox. Couldn't remember the plot at all but a pretty good film so I'm guessing good adaptation.
Today's been a bit of a mixed bag. Watched the match, pretty good display just a shame we couldn't get a goal and in the end paid for it. Should've had a penalty though when John Terry tried to rip off Valencia's shirt!
McDs for tea, think I'm starting to prefer the Big Tasty (with bacon of course!) to Big Macs. No doubt with that statement, McDonalds will shortly remove the product from it's menu!
Stayed downstairs after tea and saw the pathetic excuse for entertainment that is X-Factor. So glad those twins went through, wound up so many people on Facebook. Obviously those twins don't wind up Cowell as much as he makes out!
And on the note I think I'd best stop there before it's me being voted out.
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