Tuesday 19 February 2013

Doctor Who Project - "Fear Her"

Well here it is, the moment I've been avoiding since I started re-watching New Who, the worst (in my humble opinion at least) Doctor Who story ever made (yes I'm including Classic Who too); 'Fear Her'.

Aside from the rubbish conclusion (Rose throws the pod into the Olympic flame and Chloe and her Mum sing to get rid of the scribble monster Dad), the crappy monster (the only real supposed threat other than some little brat with magic crayons is a 2D monster Dad coming to get her) and the cheese factor reaching extreme levels (The Doctor running with the Olympic flame and "no-one wants to stop him", come off it) the most annoying thing about this episode is the obnoxious Chloe. Ok she's playing a girl possessed by an alien being but she still comes across as rude and annoying, for such a vital part in the story they should've probably casted a better actress.

Rant over. When I was little my Mum always tried to get me and my brothers to come up with compliments for each other when we were constantly arguing, was always a challenge! As such I'm going to try (try being the optimal word here) to come up with 5 nice things to say about this episode.

1) The Olympic feel. Considering that this episode was broadcast 6 years before the actual London 2012 Olympics games the Doctor Who producers didn't do too bad of a job. There was the stadium (which is supposedly the Millenium Stadium in Cardiff but looked more like the Manchester Council stadium used for the Commonwealth Games), the torch carrier (funny thing is current Doctor Who star Matt Smith carried it too!) and the general hope and excitedness for the games which did mirror the real thing 6 years later (although most of us Brits half expected it to be crap). The fireworks at the end were not a patch on the real thing though. The Beeb might have been better off using footage from New Year's Eve!

2) The foreshadowing at the end of the episode. A storm is coming but nothing's going to split the Doctor and Rose up. ;)

3) The next time round trailer, Cybermen are back plus we get to see Torchwood after so many hints alluding to it. Oh and is that a Dalek death ray in action? ;)

4) The cat entering a cardboard box and disappearing. Reminded me so much of Neil Gaiman's 'Coraline'. Whether it was a deliberate reference or not doesn't matter to me as I love Gaiman's work (even his non Doctor Who work. lol).

5) Err it was only a one episode story. Told you I'd struggle.

Next time round Cybermen vs Daleks, the fall of Torchwood, Martha Smith (oh wait it's not her it's her cousin conveniently played by the Freema Agyeman) and the 'death' of Rose Tyler. Yay.

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