Tuesday 5 February 2013

Doctor Who Project "The Idiot's Lantern" (Before)

Ok for this review I'm thinking of a before and after review.

From memory this episode is set in the 50s with The Doctor and Rose investigating a mysterious electrics company and a clipped English accent TV presenter literally stealing the faces of her viewers. I'm sure there's supposed to be a comment on how people waste their lives in front of the TV, hammered home of course with the episode's title (strange point to make when Doctor Who is predominately a TV show).

From the few times I've seen this episode I can't remember being blown away. The story is very meh, the point being made is redundant and the overall feel of the story is (retro chic) style over substance, The 10th Doctor on a scooter anyone?! It's like a half arsed version of 'The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances' from the year before. I hope that there's no truth in the rumours that writer Mark Gatiss is going to take over from Steven Moffat as show runner. Based on this story and his other efforts (Victory of the Daleks, Night Terrors, The Unquiet Dead) it doesn't look too promising for the future of Who post Moffat. To be fair though 'The Unquiet Dead' wasn't too bad and he has co-produced Sherlock with Moffat so I guess you never know what he'd really be like as a producer. As far as this story goes I'm going into the re-watch with low expectations, I'll prob think it's amazing now!

Oh well I guess I'll see you on the otherside.

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