Like I said I need a break from Doctor Who after all I'm probably boring anyone who actually reads this blog and doesn't necessarily like the show. One thing I have wanted to talk about but haven't gotten round to yet is how much I'm looking forward to this year (Okay I know we're 4 months into it now but that still lives two thirds of the year to go). Before that though I think I'll have a quick look back on last year.
I didn't particularly enjoy 2012 but there were some highlights and I managed to achieve a few of my targets for the year.
Firstly I lost a stone and a half! Would've been more if it wasn't for Christmas (I've since struggled and have hit a slump since with my weight fluctuating week to week but never really going down like it was last year). I put most of my success down to downloading an app called My Fitness Pal which allowed me to track the calories I was consuming and burning off.
Secondly I started a band! Although it's still early days it sounds amazing so far. Think 90s alternative scene, bands like Smashing Pumpkins, Alice in Chains, Soundgarden, Pearl Jam with some Deftones and Jimmy Eat World, Jeff Buckley and Elliott Smith thrown in for good measure. Had a bit of a hiatus over autumn and winter but we're back on it big time. Fingers crossed we have a permanent bassist in place too as had a few problems in that department. Hopefully 2013 will see us play our 1st gig together.
I passed 2 music exams! First was my theory exam in November. I couldn't take it in the summer as it clashed with the day I was hiking across the Pennines (I completed the 50 mile Mega Hike in 2012 by the way!) and to be honest I don't think I would have been ready at the time anyway. The extra couple of months though allowed me to prepare enough so that I came out with a pass. Narrowly missed out on a Merit by just 1 mark! Incidentally I passed Grade 5 Singing in December, scraping through on a Merit (this time by a mark or two on the other side). I'm now looking to work towards a Grade 7 Singing qualification.
I didn't save enough to go on holiday. :(
There is a pretty good reason for this though. I paid off my car insurance in one payment using the money I saved. I have been meaning to replace this money but so far haven't mostly because since last August I have been living on my own. Yep I finally moved out. Am now planning to budget so I can afford to save for holidays etc. I have got one or two little adventures planned this year which are as good as a holiday.
On top of all this I also walked across fire, finished the 50 mile Mega Hike across the Pennines and got my 2nd tattoo this summer. :P
And how good were the Olympics? I had the good fortune to book the two weeks off on which they happened. I booked the time off work not because of the Olympics but because I wanted time off around my birthday and had the idea of going away somewhere or at least driving down to the beach a few times during that fortnight. As it turns out I ended up staying in or going out house hunting. The good news was that I got to see most of the defining moments of the games whilst most of my work colleagues had to catch up on highlights later on.
And how good were the Olympics? I had the good fortune to book the two weeks off on which they happened. I booked the time off work not because of the Olympics but because I wanted time off around my birthday and had the idea of going away somewhere or at least driving down to the beach a few times during that fortnight. As it turns out I ended up staying in or going out house hunting. The good news was that I got to see most of the defining moments of the games whilst most of my work colleagues had to catch up on highlights later on.
Honestly 2012 wasn't all that awesome, there were a few low, low moments but I'm not going to dwell on that just now.
So onto this year's targets:
- Lose more weight. I still want to get down to at least 14 stone and even though I have moved a Hell of a lot closer to that goal in the past 12 months I've hit a bit of a snag since Christmas and it seems just as far away as ever before.
- Pass Grade 7 and maybe take on another instrument after all I haven't taken on anything to replace my theory lessons.
- Save money. Seeing as I epically failed at this last year. I need to save for something like a holiday. Definitely need a break.
- Find another job. Over 2 years in the same role is enough, think I need to progress and move on.
- Finish a 10k run. I'm signed up to do one in September is a great incentive to shift some lbs too and is this year's big challenge as I'm not doing Mega Hike this time.
- Play a gig with the band.
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My Grade 5 Music Theory certificate. |
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