Monday 1 April 2013

Doctor Who Project - The Lazarus Experiment

Ok, I'll admit I'm slacking. I haven't watched any New Who (apart from The Bells of Saint John the other night) for ages and it's been even longer since I wrote a review. I actually watched this episode and "42" weeks ago and have been wanting to watch the next DVD (mostly because they are probably the 3 finest episodes produced the RTD era if not since the 2005 comeback) but have had to restrain myself otherwise I'd end up having to review way too many episodes at once! Doesn't help that I have never really liked this episode.

The idea is interesting enough ie old guy tries to reverse the effects of time and in turn becomes a monster (quite literally) however the monster he becomes looks crap. Not a fan of Mark Gattis either, whether it's as an appearance as an actor or as writer. Hopefully he'll be a better showrunner (as well as deliver the goods with the early days drama he's producing for the 50th in November). This episode features Martha's family more than previous and there's a few mentions of Saxon. It almost feels like a filler episode, dropping in hints for future stories as well as taking up space in the series. Honestly I'm starting to warm to the split series format seen over the last 2 series (6 and 7) as we seem to be getting all killer and no filler therefore there's no need for episodes like this one, 42, Love and Monsters or Fear Her.

The ending to the episode is crap ie Lazarus is defeated by falling from the top of the bell tower as The Doctor uses his sonic screwdriver to amplify the bell rings. I get the impression that a fall like this wouldn't kill off a monster like the one Lazarus has become, although it did the trick for the 4th Doctor!

The best part of the story though is when Tennant's Doctor stops being a dick and finally accepts Martha. He finally tells her she was never really just a passenger along for one ride.


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